
Ben Noy, otherwise known as The Blueprint, The Ab Sculptor or Mr 10 pack is one of the most recognised sponsored athletes and International cover models ever! As a natural athlete he maintains a quality, promotable and photogenic physique all year round.

Ben has built a well respected brand of himself that is highly recognised by celebrities, models and top athletes both in the UK and abroad.  Ben started as a commercial/fashion model and after reaching the top he moved on to conquer the Fitness World. He regularly contributes to health & fitness publications alongside his media commitments and modelling.  Ben’s fun approach, discretion, drive and determination to help people achieve their goals has made him one of the top Personal trainers and International Cover Models to date.

From a very young age Ben was active and always passionate about sport and fitness. This was evident in his ability to become the best at any sport he participated in. He has gained great experience working as a personal trainer and tends to cater for both men and women in terms of their personal fitness goals and achievements tailored to specific goals. He wants to witness each client reach their goals and surpass them.

Apart from sculpting bodies and help develop inner confidence, Ben’s other aim is to utilise his loyal following together with his exposure, to help the causes and charities he believes in. He is lucky to be able to inspire so many people and is very grateful. Never tell Ben, ‘the sky’s is the limit’, when there are footprints on the moon!